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  1. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    remember the og player like SweetLG and more.....
  2. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    KitPvP is my home too :( and its getting burnt to a crisp!
  3. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    hay i know because when a op player was down killing skidz i would be calling my skype friends and tell them to get on so we can kill him to get his p4 and gapples if he had some.
  4. Epicstickers

    look at these votes 26 over 3 DAAAAAM...

    look at these votes 26 over 3 DAAAAAM!
  5. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    i said that there is going to be a 50/50 chance to get gapples when you vote its not op
  6. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    its not going to be op because you can only get gapples in crates and from voting which are both based on a chance system to get them!
  7. Epicstickers

    what are you having problems too with the minecraft launcher?

    what are you having problems too with the minecraft launcher?
  8. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    #BringGapplesBack the crates are not that op if you think about it they're pretty good for who i have them set up!
  9. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    dont worry its not done yet and thats not the most updated screenshot!
  10. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    i hope it does too!
  11. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    thx i just hope cloak approves of it.
  12. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    find me screenshots of what you are talking about bc i'm making the old old kitpvp map!
  13. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    i took 5hrs non stop! i'm a make it happen and that it! well it kinda is but i think i did good for the most part!
  14. Epicstickers


  15. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    no thx you, only the people can change the kitpvp server all you have to do is make cloak change it for us!
  16. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    no problem!
  17. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    Thx it helps
  18. Epicstickers

    Vote yes for kitpvp

    Vote yes for kitpvp
  19. Epicstickers

    yo never mind look

    yo never mind look
  20. Epicstickers

    The New KitPvP Changes

    @cloakfox we all want a change, but we also know that you need help for us to explain what changes we want, so i’m a help you to understand what we want. I’m doing it for the Foxcraft server, I’m doing it to save Kitpvp, I’m doing it for @Ksmudger, @KING_Deranged, and for everyone else that...