
All rules listed here apply to all members on Foxcraft. Everyone is to read these rules to maintain the healthiest server environment. Foxcraft staff reserve the right to change or modify any rule as they see fit. We can not include every situation that may occur so punishments will be decided and given then as they come up. What staff says is final, if you disagree you may make a report on the staff member, but arguing and fighting with them may result in a restriction on your account.

Respect All Users

Everyone playing is a human, please treat each others respectfully. Be mindful of your communication towards others.

In-game rules

Forum Rules

We also have rules when using our forums. This also includes the general rules above.

  • Do not bump a thread
  • Refrain from posting 18+ age content
  • No trolling
  • Do not grave-dig (posting in a thread that in 30 days has not been active)
  • Do not spam or report messages unnecessarily
  • No random messages

Discord Rules

We also have rules when using our Discord server. This also includes the general rules above.

  • Do not talk excessively loud, screaming, raging, flaming, etc.
  • Your in-game name must be exact or close to your nickname on Discord
  • Do not use any kind of Voice changers
  • Do not switch multiple channels in a short period of time
  • No inappropriate names nor avatars
  • Do not enable your microphone in case of any loud or annoying background noise