I'm mad because loyal, experienced long term members are being taken over by new people no one knows who are post-farming and no lifeing to get to the top of the list.
Boy I played before you, and I just never had a forums account, and Also, I was pretty known on old forums.. and stop being so jelly cause you're not ontop no more.
He's trying to say that players like him @SuperAnimeCraft and I are players that everybody knows and who have played the server for a long time. For example, I've been here since 2012.
The period goes inside the quotations, @ProbationZ. Sorry, I had to :>. Also, everyone just shush and stop arguing, it will just lead to Flame Wars, and other things that will just take you onto a path of Hell. It's also quite childish, so you will start getting less respect, etc.
It is childish, because mature people just drop it. But, instead you just decide to keep dragging on the argument and get your way. It's quite childish, and as you do it you make no process.