Foxcraft Forums

I'm not trying to hide it lol. I've even messaged a few staff members letting them know it is me. My account is banned i think. It has been disabled. I don't see why you're being aggressive on my profile instead of messaging me privately. I'm aware you never liked me from the beginning but theres no need for you to be hostile in public view when you could message me privately and get all this sorted
I wasn't being hostile lol. You read that message in whatever tone YOU wanted to hear lmao. If you're banned tho, why are you evading and hanging around still? Pretty sure you were removed for a reason.
Also, why bother messaging you privately when you'll just screenshot it and send it around to other people with your own context. If it's going to be public knowledge, I'll make it public knowledge.
"Who are you trying to fool" I don't see any passive way to read that. I'm hanging around because i want to. Unlike you i'm not trying to sabotage the server by still being here
I don't see why you're even making this a problem in the first place. Did i do anything to you? no, did i attack you? no. Did i try to demoralize you? no.