@MasterSniper you tard, you do not have to register a weapon in Las Vegas, look it up before you chops off and it doesn't matter if not everybody wants to shoot up a festival, there's still the opportunity to get a machine gun, or a gun in general for the people who would LOL
What's the point in having a gun? For defense? Oh please, if that person has a gun, then the offender will bring one too. Then they'll be a shootout and much more severe consequences, Americans are so brainwashed and illogical
Not to mention it supports gang wars, what will gangs do without guns? Fist fight? Even if they knife people it's far less severe and would be so much easier for the police not having to get in a gun fight. This makes the police paranoid and trigger happy, then innocence get shot etc. Lmao do I have to say anymore? I still feel sympathy for them, and am very sorry for their losses and families
Kenny why are you so upset you don't even live in America, And you do have to Register guns no matter where you are. Most people don't keep guns for self defense they are a deadly toy but they are fun to play with.
@RedTheFox999 what different does that make? Still allows you to do the damage of a machine gun. @MasterSniper bro in Las Vegas you don't have to register a weapon, even if you had to there's extremely easy ways to get unregistered ones lol
Uh, not really. There's barely any shoot ups in the UK, it's pretty much unheard of, America is one of the most corrupt places on the globe, they sell guns because it makes a lot of profit, why do you think the USA funded terrorists?
Exactly, guns aren't allowed to be given to citizens unless certain things happen, it's a lot more stricter than the US which keeps our crime rate lower
Lmao @ThePowerOfSix shut up you idiot *** kid, literally cannot get machine guns or anything like that, maybe air rifles for killing birds lmao f*ck off with that bs wherever the hell you come from is probs brainwashed