Donald trump is very unpredictable, who know what he'll do. He's so pouty. Hillary's speech after he won was very respectful, if she won Trump would throw a fit.
Had Hillary won, the country would have went in the same direction it had been under Obama. ISIS would not be defeated nor dealt with. Business and common positions of power held by select states or people would be under the control of the government
And the worst thing, probably gun control would be pushed. And by the way, in Nazi Germany, the first thing Hitler did was disarm the people. If they don't have guns, they can't defend themselves against or oppose any government regulation. Same thing that happened in England, which is a big part as to why there are more terrorist attacks there than here in America.
Trump is a very smart business man. He's going to actually fight ISIS with ground troops and keep them there (if it weren't for Hillary's decisions it can be assumed that ISIS would have never formed). He's going to balance the budget (because he knows how to deal with stuff like that). He's going to repeal many of Obama's terrible Executive Orders and policies
Trump is an idiot. He says things and doesn't ever mean them. "We'll build a wall along the southern border which Mexico will pay for." Mexico says No. Trump has had about 7 wives, and calls women pigs. He even called a very intrepid solider "You're no hero" and he was held prisoner for server all years.
There are 2 ways Trump will build a wall. Every year Congress passes a budget, and in it, there is money set aside for building and improving the border. Obama didn't do anything with it, but Trump will. Secondly, we dish out to Mexico millions of dollars a day (or something like that). We could easily take some of that money that we give to them and build it.