Recent content by wiktor937

  1. wiktor937

    A New Beginning

    I wish us (VP and GUCCI) a strong cooperation which will not only be on Survival. A lot of work is still ahead of us, cooperation projects to be carried out, contracts to be completed and meetings to be made. I hope that everything will be beneficial for both sides. :)
  2. wiktor937

    Headquarters of RoyalVP

    KSM I know you will try to copy it :confused:
  3. wiktor937

    Headquarters of RoyalVP

    thx I spent a lot of time inventing the external appearance. :)
  4. wiktor937

    Headquarters of RoyalVP

    okey. The Golden Palace was built in 37 days.
  5. wiktor937

    Nevermind It looks like it will be all right

    Nevermind It looks like it will be all right
  6. wiktor937

    hello Justinc2522 I would like to file a lawsuit against two administrators. Where can I write it?

    hello Justinc2522 I would like to file a lawsuit against two administrators. Where can I write it?
  7. wiktor937

    Ares, Emperor, Honour, Veni Vidi Vici!

    I see that you do not want to be in "peace" (control question)
  8. wiktor937

    The Foxcraft Update Announcement

    @iBrady I hope you will need my help. XD
  9. wiktor937

    after trying to join the survival. the map is loaded very slowly. it takes so long that the...

    after trying to join the survival. the map is loaded very slowly. it takes so long that the system automatically disconnects me from the server.
  10. wiktor937

    I have a big difficulty with entering survival all the time it disconnects me. It's getting...

    I have a big difficulty with entering survival all the time it disconnects me. It's getting worse. Can you help me?
  11. wiktor937

    Give me instructions on how to do it!! ibrady

    Give me instructions on how to do it!! ibrady