Recent content by Venomlol

  1. Venomlol


  2. Venomlol

    Kingdoms Empire "Focusing on PVP and invading" (Details & release date)

    OG spawn my fav <3 Lollipops W
  3. Venomlol


    ehhhh oneblock do be getting botted tho
  4. Venomlol

    Why cloak should disable keepinventory

    Agreed, it would make survival fun again and something to grind for.
  5. Venomlol

    Build Event Submission: vcqx

    your below average
  6. Venomlol

    Build Event Submission: vcqx

    Strafe is bae :)
  7. Venomlol

    #unban mitchellnub4life

    Good morning evrey1. Mitchellnub4life has recently been banned for apparently abusing exploits on Foxcraft. This was a false ban and Cloak just needs to fix the server capacity because its been happening on survival too. #unban mitchellnub4life
  8. Venomlol

    Wow the middle finger in your profile picture hurts </3

    Wow the middle finger in your profile picture hurts </3
  9. Venomlol

    Noqq your bad

    Me being good at pvp isn't hacking lmao, and I dont have 3 alts Hahaha. You were talking all big that you were gonna kill me in warp pvp like they all do and then died. I just decided to let the people know what happened. Just like Emperall :)
  10. Venomlol

    Noqq your bad

    Better luck next time!
  11. Venomlol

    Noqq your bad

    Imagine losing when using /speed in pvp and talking it all up that your better than me. L Noqq
  12. Venomlol

    Add the capability to buy and sell Shields in /shop!!

    Great idea, this would be very useful. +1
  13. Venomlol

    New /skills on Skyblock [GUIDE/WIKI]