Recent content by UltimateCatTree

  1. UltimateCatTree

    Howdy. .,;,;,.

    Howdy. .,;,;,.
  2. UltimateCatTree

    1.9 Update Discussion

    It's called "picking your weapon back up from the downward position after you swing it" paradox. Apparently in a parallel universe tools actually have weight and when swung, they must be moved back to the start position before swinging again. However, this is just a theory and may not be true...
  3. UltimateCatTree

    Foxcraft now supports 1.8 and 1.9

    They have it for both 1.9 and 1.9.2
  4. UltimateCatTree

    1.9 Update Discussion

    Yeah, "PVP SUCKS" is the first thing I heard when it came out, though I played the snapshots and frankly really like the pvp mechanics it adds. Also, 1.9 KitPvP would be pretty harsh, but you'd have a few experienced veteran players take to it quite well as they're already experts at timing.
  5. UltimateCatTree

    1.9 Update Discussion

    Didn't see any recent ones. Sorry I've not been online much due to work. Glad to know mine was over 9,000 though.
  6. UltimateCatTree

    1.9 Update Discussion

    ♦ Just starting a simple thread for players to discus what they like/dislike about the 1.9 update. Please respect other player's opinions. Flamewarriors and trolls will be reported, so please dont. I will try to keep the poll updated, so feel free to request new options. Thanks. [Reserved]
  7. UltimateCatTree

    Foxcraft now supports 1.8 and 1.9

    Any plans on switching servers to 1.9 instead of 1.8? Was bummed when the test server went down as 1.9 had really met my expectations with its upgrade to combat and mechanics. Thanks again. ps. Even just vanilla 1.9 would be okay, that way players can keep their super-OP-clickspam fighing...
  8. UltimateCatTree

    Thanks, I'm glad to be back. A bit upset that Connor sabotaged everything when he left.

    Thanks, I'm glad to be back. A bit upset that Connor sabotaged everything when he left.
  9. UltimateCatTree

    Happy Birthday man, Dont eat too much cake.

    Happy Birthday man, Dont eat too much cake.
  10. UltimateCatTree

    Hey everyone. Just posted a Bug Compilation post on the Bug Reports forum titled "Current Bugs"...

    Hey everyone. Just posted a Bug Compilation post on the Bug Reports forum titled "Current Bugs" Please help by posting any unsolved bugs