Recent content by udennick

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    Oneblock Remastered / 22-09-2023

    kinda hyped it there some type of thropy rewards (cosmetic/limited items that go over) so there is a reason to still play in the last few days and to flex your a REAL OG onblockplayer
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    Skyblock Reset & Updates + Beta info

    my time has come
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    !!! €15 BUYCRAFT GIVEAWAY !!!

    udennick udennick#4315
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    Birthday Give-away(ENDED)

    oof your crazy
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    redstone clock forbidden????

    i read all the rules but never saw something that redstone blocks are "FORBIDDEN!" can't find any thing about redstone in the rules i don't know what staff member place the signs.
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    ow dat is fucked man succes er mee

    ow dat is fucked man succes er mee
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    why did u change the ig spawner stacking again?

    in my ig farm i have 8times 8 spawners 4x8 and they were stacked for 10 u change the stacking system and start stacking them again (10k for 1 stack) and stacked them for 5times (4x8 x5) total$$$ i lost 4x8x10=320 spawners i lost on the first time 4x8x5=1.6mill \ 320x75.000=...
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    Ask Me Anything: _Super_Hans_

    why is on skyblock from stacking ig spawner with ig spawner changed to pay 10k to stack the spawner for 2x (max 5) and why are the other spawner that u stacked before the change gone (i had 32x15 stacked and there are gone -_-)
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    Vote key

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    wut? why can i not ask why i am denied?

    "Hi udennick, We have come to the decision to deny your application. This can be due to a lot of factors, We do not get in depth as to why exactly we have denied your application. You are welcome to apply again after some time. Please do not ask any staff members why your application was...
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    skyblock has a update.....

    skyblock is open
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    skyblock has a update.....

    and its down to get more fixed done
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    skyblock has a update.....

    psst is nu 10min :P