Recent content by Techno2020

  1. T

    Are you okay if I appeal?

    and what DZultra do to you guys? Like dropping loot into your inv?
  2. T

    Are you okay if I appeal?

    What da hell DZultra
  3. T

    Parkour Map Build Event // Animals

    Congrats to all the winners. Didn’t expect that coming
  4. T

    Parkour Map Build Event // Animals

    Well they said it will be Monday, but it can be now till 23:59 xD
  5. T

    Parkour Map Build Event // Animals

    till evening ig
  6. T

    Parkour Map Build Event // Animals

    When will they pick the winners?
  7. T

    What the heck is /crate

    There ain’t that’s the joke about it
  8. T

    What the heck is /crate

    xD when people find out I can get free stuff from it
  9. T

    Parkour Build Event Submission: Techno2020

    U get easy and hard, that’s how it goes xD
  10. T

    Parkour Build Event Submission: Techno2020

    better than a parkour, which is to easy
  11. T

    Parkour Build Event Submission: Techno2020

    User name: Techno2020 What is your minecraft username? Techno2020 Name of your map? Bees n' Island Description of map Floating Islands with Bees flying arround. It starts off a little hard, but it will get easier to the end! More larger Island floating arround on the top of all...
  12. T

    Who is the best player!

    Well depends what u mean with best player: Like very polite and helping other players or just very good at p2w, idk. Best at what though, at everything? Cuz there isn’t a player that is good at everything, everbody has their own best skills on the Server. Might she/he be very good at pvp...
  13. T

    Parkour Map Build Event // Animals

    Yep very awesome Event!
  14. T

    Giveaway time (again

    ING: Techno2020 DC: techno2020 Song: ark by Zookeepers and shipwreck
  15. T

    XP Leaderboard Oneblock Glacier and Vulcan

    Yeah then I want a play time leaderboard aswell