Recent content by Semmentvloer

  1. Semmentvloer

    Old kingdoms

    We need old kingdoms back with You can't even invade in this mode and haven't you guys seen how bad the player count is when looking back to the old kingdoms. @cloakfox kingdoms is in your hand. #BRINGBACKOLDKINGDOMS
  2. Semmentvloer

    Meme Event Submission: nofy

  3. Semmentvloer

    Suggestion DiscordSRV / Interactivechat

    I see you guys are using interactivechat. So you might want to add This is a plugin that shows inventories of that plugin in discord channels
  4. Semmentvloer

    are you blind

    are you blind
  5. Semmentvloer

    No, it's not my birthday today the date is wrong.

    No, it's not my birthday today the date is wrong.
  6. Semmentvloer

    New Year Giveaway

    username: Semmentvloer Discord: Sem#8249
  7. Semmentvloer

    Erg dat je me nie volgt zeg

    Erg dat je me nie volgt zeg
  8. Semmentvloer

    Good hbu?

    Good hbu?
  9. Semmentvloer

    Monthly Summary | November 2022

    Nice :)
  10. Semmentvloer


  11. Semmentvloer


    I would say if there is a reset there should be a world download or archive so we can still look back.
  12. Semmentvloer


  13. Semmentvloer


    Kinda true
  14. Semmentvloer


    And all the p2w? So many people are gonna be upset. But at the other hand its getting kinda old.