Recent content by rcmrocks2

  1. rcmrocks2

    joined back hoping to see someone asked for a riddle </3

    joined back hoping to see someone asked for a riddle </3
  2. rcmrocks2

    Hello? Read this if you are OG!

    i dont know who any of you are besides @Ksmudger @_Super_Hans_
  3. rcmrocks2

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  4. rcmrocks2

    its a tricky one

    its a tricky one
  5. rcmrocks2

    A thousand wheels but move I do not Call me what you will Call me a lot What am I?

    A thousand wheels but move I do not Call me what you will Call me a lot What am I?
  6. rcmrocks2

    Prison Reset and Revamp!

    Hope everyone likes my map :) big thanks to anyone and everyone who helped!
  7. rcmrocks2

    Today i was banned for no reason

    <3 rip, will be missed
  8. rcmrocks2

    given up?

    given up?
  9. rcmrocks2

    there you go

    there you go
  10. rcmrocks2

    nope, he shaves all the people who do not shave them self. therefor he can't shave himself or he...

    nope, he shaves all the people who do not shave them self. therefor he can't shave himself or he will be breaking the riddle?
  11. rcmrocks2

    Once upon a time there was a small town with one barber (he is very male). This legendary barber...

    Once upon a time there was a small town with one barber (he is very male). This legendary barber push all his competition out of town so now he is the only person who shaves all of the people who do not shave themselves. although now thinking about it... who shaves the barber?
  12. rcmrocks2


    Welcome! i wish you luck on your app!
  13. rcmrocks2


  14. rcmrocks2


  15. rcmrocks2

    The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am i?

    The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am i?