Recent content by Pumpie

  1. Pumpie

    Well, i won't kill you but i'll pray for your well being and pain to be transferred somewhere...

    Well, i won't kill you but i'll pray for your well being and pain to be transferred somewhere else :(
  2. Pumpie

    Whats your point? why are you even talking to me in the first place? what brought this on? well...

    Whats your point? why are you even talking to me in the first place? what brought this on? well why are YOU hanging around then? YOU were removed for a reason too and you know exactly what that reason is. We both know why we were removed so i don't understand why you are bringing it up
  3. Pumpie

    I don't see why you're even making this a problem in the first place. Did i do anything to you...

    I don't see why you're even making this a problem in the first place. Did i do anything to you? no, did i attack you? no. Did i try to demoralize you? no.
  4. Pumpie

    "Who are you trying to fool" I don't see any passive way to read that. I'm hanging around...

    "Who are you trying to fool" I don't see any passive way to read that. I'm hanging around because i want to. Unlike you i'm not trying to sabotage the server by still being here
  5. Pumpie

    I'm not trying to hide it lol. I've even messaged a few staff members letting them know it is...

    I'm not trying to hide it lol. I've even messaged a few staff members letting them know it is me. My account is banned i think. It has been disabled. I don't see why you're being aggressive on my profile instead of messaging me privately. I'm aware you never liked me from the beginning but...
  6. Pumpie

    1.16.1 MCMMO

    You will need to wait for the official plugin owners to update it before those item's are added
  7. Pumpie


    I was just making some valid points. No need to get hostile True you will need advertising for the events but theres no guarantee it would even work. You could have a seperate event server for things like that but it would still be a risk i'm not sure he would want to take. Who's to say gangs...
  8. Pumpie


    I disagree with many of these suggestions. let me explain why 1.) In order to have events you would need to have players be interested in even participating. There would be no point in having them coded/made just for players to not be interested. 2.) There is no need to add gangs. If you want...
  9. Pumpie

    Hold the beef im a vegan bring the salad

    Lets start a giant war shall we? I want everybody to say everything they hate about @MrPumpkin1 since he is a giant fag and im glad he is gone first off ill say he was a giant **** he acted like a staff member all the time avoided bans mutes and kicks all the time started arguments for no reason...
  10. Pumpie

    Who do you want demoted?

    I could list all the helpers and a few of the mods but i don't want to end up getting some of the pissed off at me and abuse more and suspend my account because thats what they do
  11. Pumpie

    Have you been experiencing server lag?

  12. Pumpie

    Have you been experiencing server lag?

    You just copied what I said....
  13. Pumpie

    Have you been experiencing server lag?

    I wouldn't know because im banned hahaha
  14. Pumpie

    Introduction johnnyoutcast

    Hello everybody i just realized i did not make a introduction thread yet so here it goes. I am 15 years old as of October 23rd of this year I love interacting with people I can literally do almost anything for hours a day I love to play on Foxcraft My Favorite sport is Football as i am on my...
  15. Pumpie

    Aw thats too bad i was hoping they would because i have a rank on skywars and i hardly play on...

    Aw thats too bad i was hoping they would because i have a rank on skywars and i hardly play on there anymore