Recent content by poema05

  1. poema05


  2. poema05

    thank you

    thank you
  3. poema05

    Skyfox Voucher Giveaway! (Survival)

    its for my bedrock account 1) *poema05 it has a wolf rank 2) i want to participate in the give away because i would like a higher rank on my bedrock account 3) poema05#1150 4) liked the post (i will be on sailing camp so i might not be able to respond for a week until next saterday)
  4. poema05

    can u fix my bug

  5. poema05

    Martijnsgaap warnt voor geen reden.

    i mean licht eraan als je iemand in pvp tped en hem daarna hit nee dan niet want dat is pvp trappen maar als je hem erin tped en hem niets doet word het vaak niet als pvp trappen gezien
  6. poema05

    can u fix my bug

    Yeah he is already waiting for like 1,5 months if it’s the one I think it is
  7. poema05

    fun fact it wasnt his birthday lol

    fun fact it wasnt his birthday lol
  8. poema05

    I died with irl money

  9. poema05

    Wither skeleton question

    wither skeleton spawns are lowerd by a lot on Foxcraft so you just have to walk around a fortres for a long time until they do spawn ( tip kill every mob you see so its not on the mob limit and wither skeletons can spawn
  10. poema05

    In Your Travels: Kara Kara Bazaar

    Was just an idea for an awesome build no need to be aggressive
  11. poema05

    In Your Travels: Kara Kara Bazaar

    As a Zelda breath of the wild fan I like it maybe you can try to make a replica of the gerust town and the bazaar next to it
  12. poema05


    minecraft username: poema05 discord: poema05#1150 obvulcan and survival idk if i am the perfect winner because of our past but i want to leave that behind and start over so hey im fin i want to win because i am trying to get a better rank in survival
  13. poema05

    Obglacier Reset

    i do know what it is its a gamemode where you are supposed to mine a single block over and over again and make a island out of it
  14. poema05

    Obglacier Reset

    fun fact obglacier isnt a pvp server so maybe thats the problem people only think its about pvp whilst its not
  15. poema05

    Obglacier Reset

    -1 people have grinded so long and spend so much time in things and if glacier wil get a reset vulcan wil probably get 1 to and that wil probably cause some people to actually leave the server maybe its dead right now but it wil revive at 1 point same happed to vulcan normaly 20 players online...