Recent content by Pandayk

  1. Pandayk

    The Kingdoms pvp eco update:

  2. Pandayk

    10$ Giveaway!

    I want to win because i rlly need some keys my mc user is Pandaabeer Discord: Pandaa#0420
  3. Pandayk

    Panda spawner

    I feel like we need a panda spawner
  4. Pandayk

    Sell Wands

  5. Pandayk

    Kingdoms reset

    Yes its just survival with custom enchants rn
  6. Pandayk

    Kingdoms reset

    If u remove the enchants kingdom will die
  7. Pandayk

    Kingdoms reset

    -1 i agree it should reset earlier but not rn
  8. Pandayk

    Event submission: The Starfall Arena

    its so cool :D