Recent content by moltens

  1. moltens

    New gamemode releasing Sunday! [Hardcore]

    RIP 1.8 PvP but i love the look of Hardcore Surv, can't wait :vvv
  2. moltens

    New Holders of the Dragon Egg.

    big grr by KSM
  3. moltens

    New Holders of the Dragon Egg.

    TY @Ksmudger #KURO
  4. moltens

    [Anarchy] NEW BASE

    "Who still plays anarchy" I have no life okay, dont click on it if you don't like anarchy // dont wanna see my channel k thanks
  5. moltens

    Anarchy videos. Yes. Who plays that, right?

    What do you mean by that? :v
  6. moltens

    Survival Reset!!!!

    HOPPER RAIDING WAS THE BEST. Actually made you think about how to raid rather than just opening a chest. Not enough people play survival to experience stuff like that again
  7. moltens

    Survival Reset!!!!

    Agreed, raiding on survival shouldn't be that common yes, thats the more anarchy / factions style. Team size, I mean, if you have more than 5 friends it's p2w because you can't invite them. Claimed land should be a thing in survival. Survival is building and surviving. The main reason Foxcraft...
  8. moltens

    Anarchy videos. Yes. Who plays that, right?

    face rev is at 100 subs, sub if you like my content for some odd reason, there is an 11m long video i made for the adsense (JOKING). enjoy i guess ecks dee
  9. moltens

    2nd Dragon Defeat.

    Ik thats april fools bc personally know 2/3 people that first defeated it ecks dee Meh, i enjoy it so yeah, thanks
  10. moltens

    2nd Dragon Defeat.

    Just because we're not the first, doesn't mean I can't post. Didn't get egg, or xp, but we got satisfaction and a free episode ECKS DEE. gg ban, gg.
  11. moltens

    On A Rail Achievement!

    thats fair ecks dee
  12. moltens

    On A Rail Achievement!

    An hour, man you have no life loser lamow
  13. moltens

    Lets talk about my mute ;)

    I actually just wanted to talk about why the term jew was deemed disrespectful, Also, I was the person who got muted, which is what I'm saying, so rule 12, does apply since I am the one who received the mute. Also, ninja, I'm just trying to have a conversation. I'm fine with the mute, I just...
  14. moltens

    Lets talk about my mute ;)

    Actually, Christian is different than a Jew. from what i understand, Christians believe Jesus was the messiah. While jews believe he wasn't. They know of his existence, they just don't belive he was the messiah (messanger) THIS IS FROM MY UNDERSTANDING PLS DONT HATE ME IF IM WRONG.
  15. moltens

    Lets talk about my mute ;)

    helper, staff, whatever. same difference