Recent content by MissHussy_xo

  1. MissHussy_xo

    Hello fetus.

    Hello fetus.
  2. MissHussy_xo

    The Empire - Recruitment Thread

    Your IGN (in-game-name): MissHussy_xo Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just prefered): Lol no. Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game. (Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Discord chat) (used for typing messages...
  3. MissHussy_xo


  4. MissHussy_xo

    Well boys, I have some news.

    Its been nice knowing ya my dood. Sorry for everything honestly. Gl with the military and life.
  5. MissHussy_xo


    Staffs corrupt. Always has been, always will be. They hold grudges, selective about who gets punished and for what, and tend to supress things which shows true colors.
  6. MissHussy_xo

    Please no. Bagels are sexual enough.

    Please no. Bagels are sexual enough.
  7. MissHussy_xo

    Dear Julia,

    :) So cute I ship it. @Paladiin x @HeyIm_JuJu
  8. MissHussy_xo

    Shh it's real. Fight me irl. I'll kick your ***.

    Shh it's real. Fight me irl. I'll kick your ***.
  9. MissHussy_xo

    Foxcraft Couples.

    I am 5x out of your league, get it right.
  10. MissHussy_xo

    Face Reveal Thread

    It looks rather clear to me.
  11. MissHussy_xo

    Foxcraft Couples.

    Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha... No.
  12. MissHussy_xo

    Face Reveal Thread

    Boy your skin is as clear as a babies ***.
  13. MissHussy_xo

    Face Reveal Thread

    If everyone else does too.
  14. MissHussy_xo

    Face Reveal Thread

    I'd rather send that in the group chat m8.
  15. MissHussy_xo

    Face Reveal Thread

    You know what I look like. Why must my face be on forums too xD.