Recent content by Micm_

  1. Micm_

    7 years 3 days

    I was meaning to make this thread a few days ago on march 7th, as that was the day these forums for the server went live! Missed it by a few days, but its really hard to grasp that its been more than 7 years since I logged onto this site for the first time... of course I remember the OLD forums...
  2. Micm_

    no wayyyyy you still exist

    no wayyyyy you still exist
  3. Micm_


    Ez gg10
  4. Micm_

    That sounds familar, u a kitpvp main like I was lol?

    That sounds familar, u a kitpvp main like I was lol?
  5. Micm_


    Everytime I think back about growing up I cant help but remember THIS specific server, some of my all time favorite moments came from coming home from school and getting on kitpvp, hitting tab to see who I could team up with, see who is running around spawn in full enchanted diamond gear... miss...
  6. Micm_

    JUST SEEING THIS NOW BRO. If you see this what is your discord? Id love to talk man, theres some...

    JUST SEEING THIS NOW BRO. If you see this what is your discord? Id love to talk man, theres some ANCIENT screenshots I want to show you
  7. Micm_

    Thank you man! Is there an ign i may remember you by? Its been so long since Ive been here and...

    Thank you man! Is there an ign i may remember you by? Its been so long since Ive been here and the server ive forgotten to many friends...
  8. Micm_

    havent been here in a minute ..

    havent been here in a minute ..
  9. Micm_

    microwave energy? hold on a sec

    microwave energy? hold on a sec
  10. Micm_

    .. : )

    .. : )
  11. Micm_

    Hello? Read this if you are OG!

    agre @rcmrocks2 i remember talking to you back when you had helper rank and it was a hub exclusive rank.
  12. Micm_

    Hello? Read this if you are OG!

    ill hop on kitpvp every once in a while to see if someone is on, I still miss skywars! also creative as it's the only server where I didnt lose my global skyfox rank here since 2014 (my account) played back in 2012
  13. Micm_

    [POLL] What does the future of KitPVP withhold?

    shhh go back to skyblock or find another server
  14. Micm_

    [POLL] What does the future of KitPVP withhold?

    wouldnt it be awesome if it was just fighter and archer kit again, the fighter kit as in either full leather stone sword or half leather half iron.
  15. Micm_

    @Baest would have said dickm_

    @Baest would have said dickm_