Recent content by MacmillanGC

  1. MacmillanGC

    Please Reset Soon

    I miss prison, back when cactus farms were OP, playing back in like 2015ish, and when the prison server had like 50+ people at once
  2. MacmillanGC

    Hello! Anyone out there!? Been a minute..

    Hello! Anyone out there!? Been a minute..
  3. MacmillanGC

    Thank you! ☺️

    Thank you! ☺️
  4. MacmillanGC

    Miss you!

    Miss you!
  5. MacmillanGC


    Ok, thank-you.
  6. MacmillanGC


  7. MacmillanGC


    Can i start a pumpkin farm or will the price of pumpkins be nerfed. Because I'm not gonna waste my time like i did for cactus.
  8. MacmillanGC

    lol yes

    lol yes
  9. MacmillanGC

    Eula compliancy

    so do prison people keep their donor ranks?
  10. MacmillanGC

    Prison Server Reset

    Thank you very much!
  11. MacmillanGC

    Prison reset?

    People will leave if it doesn't reset, half or more have already left cause its boring af
  12. MacmillanGC

    Prison reset yay or nay?

    I think we should reset now, a lot of completes are bored including myself, all we have is talking and afking farms. It would be nice to have a fresh start.
  13. MacmillanGC

    Prison reset yay or nay?

    FFS Rip my farms I have had since 2014..
  14. MacmillanGC


  15. MacmillanGC

    hai mech :D

    hai mech :D