Recent content by LionClient

  1. LionClient

    How you can support playernames like "Andrewtate"

    *homophobic* lmao
  2. LionClient

    How you can support playernames like "Andrewtate"

  3. LionClient

    favourite island?

    /wwarp favorite is a thing
  4. LionClient


    ob community can be toxic somethimes…
  5. LionClient

    My good bye

    yep xd
  6. LionClient

    My good bye

    why would u quit the server :/ just keep stuff and play Foxcraft OR keep your stuff so you can make a return later
  7. LionClient

    Survival giveaway time!

    IGN: LionClient Discord: LionClient#4827 Rank: Member
  8. LionClient

    Fix pvp durability

    then pinata would be to overpowerd
  9. LionClient

    Fix pvp durability

    they can add it on january crate!
  10. LionClient

    Fix pvp durability

    imagine: just use xp bottles with backpacks ;D
  11. LionClient

    New year giveaway

    ign: LionClient discord: LionClient#4827 if i even get 1 thing ill be happy :D
  12. LionClient

    Giveaway TIMEEEEEE!!! (Skyblock)

    ign: LionClient Discord: LionClient#4827
  13. LionClient

    Christmas Giveaway Time!

    Discord -> LionClient#4827 Minecraft -> LionClient Current Rank -> Foxgod
  14. LionClient

    Playing Foxcraft :D

    Playing Foxcraft :D