Recent content by knightvincent

  1. knightvincent

    Event 6 Days of Christmas

    IGN: KnightVincent plot ID: 94;-9 Location: 8119 69 -840 ./plot visit KnightVincent Creative server.
  2. knightvincent

    Event 6 Days of Christmas

    IGN: KnightVincent
  3. knightvincent

    Kingdoms Reset (September) - A battle for land might and glory!

    hahahahahahhaah LMAO ga met bryan janken om neutral man ahahahah lach me kapot
  4. knightvincent

    Kingdoms event!!!!!

    you never stood a chance around me, tell me when!
  5. knightvincent

    Foxcraft: KitPvP Montage

  6. knightvincent


  7. knightvincent

    Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

    amazing probaly only for ''next ( this )'' season not the season I won for sure? Because I ain't got a title so Have fun getting to f top 1 ex. U got this season Me and my friends are done.
  8. knightvincent

    Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

    Maybe because there was no hope for ''normal'' players because of the ranks they have way less chance to win. In the way u can get your p4 unbr 3 armor, they can get ... O yes nothing. Have to make it all by them selfes, They can't do anything really to compete. How they get their grinders...
  9. knightvincent

    Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

    That's also a good point!
  10. knightvincent

    Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

    Its because of the same players the ranked ones
  11. knightvincent

    Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

    u diccourage players to play because you and ur friend manage to raid every player. Understand we dont use 100 walls ok? They get raided and bam they are gone. In the main time I was online I've helped the newer players making bases, making money etc. so they will stay.
  12. knightvincent

    Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

    WHO TF gives 500$!!! MAX 50$ is enough tho or just something nice
  13. knightvincent

    Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

    They stopped playing because all of the damn money spenders ( wasters ) what made it pay to win like you. The smaller players liked to play here too. Till the bigger players like you kill them a thousand times and blow their base up beause they don't have 100 walls like you. If you ask me...
  14. knightvincent

    Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

    We don't beg There were winners with rewards other seasons that made us play this. and the time we acutally manage to get in f top there are no rewards. HOW GREAT! this makes us and my 6 friends really want to play again! Come on cloak, what's reasonable?
  15. knightvincent

    Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

    The tittles. If so. I would hope that me and kelvinzomer win this season receive the title or something. You don't have to give money but could reward the winners with like some keys? super ,classic koth, etc. Or rankupgrade or ingame $$$$, tokens, mcmmo you know.