Recent content by king22704

  1. king22704


    Username: RighteousKing Discord: CoreyWithAHouse#6524 Prison :( A giftcard would be very usefull to start working my way up again when prison resets
  2. king22704

    I need a admin

    I will bail you out dont worry
  3. king22704

    Build Event Submission: vcqx

    solid 25/13
  4. king22704


  5. king22704

    What's good Y'all

    Doing pretty well, wbu?
  6. king22704

    Giveaway giftcards!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CoreyWithAHouse#6524 king22704 So I can get crate keys when prison resets (it will one day, trust me)
  7. king22704

    Revamp Kitpvp

  8. king22704

    Revamp Kitpvp

    -1 if before prison reset, +1 otherwise
  9. king22704

    Maybe prison was a figment of my imagination this whole time...

    Maybe prison was a figment of my imagination this whole time...
  10. king22704


    What is this even a picture of lmao
  11. king22704


  12. king22704

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    Also the censorship in chat is way to oversensative. You shouldn't have plugins that get so in the way of talking that you have to constantly rewrite your messages. You guys are way too sensative and that needs to change.
  13. king22704

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    Speaking from my experiance as helper for a few months, not much I said had any bearings or effect despite making suggestions. I've had many experiances with staff intentionally stretching the truth of situations to get a few extra punishments in almost as if it was meant to boost their stats...
  14. king22704

    Kingdoms 1.17 Reset & Updates

    Prison reset when?