Recent content by KhaaseKhaase

  1. K

    :/ How many times do I have to say that starting a sentence with "and" is grammatically incorrect.

    :/ How many times do I have to say that starting a sentence with "and" is grammatically incorrect.
  2. K

    Google "Picture Resizer". The first link should work.

    Google "Picture Resizer". The first link should work.
  3. K

    Faction ranks

    I wholeheartedly support it, I was just trying to think of the pros and cons. Maybe we should move this discussion to the suggestion thread, as this is technically offtopic, I think?
  4. K

    Faction ranks

    xD Dang I was about to make it! It'd be good, and there's no advantage to changing, as you're technically losing the amount of perks you get. The only problem would the hassle it may take to transfer.
  5. K

    I Do Renders/Profile Pictures

    magix do u want me 2 maked 1 4 u?
  6. K

    Not even my main account of operation ;-;

    Not even my main account of operation ;-;
  7. K

    I Do Renders/Profile Pictures

    Yeah, mine is pretty newbish, but it's fun!
  8. K

    :D Good choice @Grace // OreoKittyh_

    :D Good choice @Grace // OreoKittyh_
  9. K

    waaaaait who you shipping over here?

    waaaaait who you shipping over here?
  10. K

    :D GG! Good for you!

    :D GG! Good for you!
  11. K

    Please don't. If it weren't for you and Adrienne, I'd definitely leave. I know it's not as fun...

    Please don't. If it weren't for you and Adrienne, I'd definitely leave. I know it's not as fun as it used to be, people aren't that cool, and mess with us but... it's really fun to play with you, and if you leave it won't be the same. I think it could still be really fun. We could start playing...
  12. K

    <3 You helped too. If only she were more active ,like you :/ You like science?

    <3 You helped too. If only she were more active ,like you :/ You like science?
  13. K

    Good News: Adrienne has magically convinced me to stay.

    Good News: Adrienne has magically convinced me to stay.
  14. K

    tarue. What's her IGN?

    tarue. What's her IGN?
  15. K

    I'm going to make one for Chloe or @Squrtles, any suggestions?

    I'm going to make one for Chloe or @Squrtles, any suggestions?