Recent content by JPlay08

  1. JPlay08

    I lost interest in Minecraft completely, so I resigned.

    I lost interest in Minecraft completely, so I resigned.
  2. JPlay08

    I have decided to resign because I have lost interest in Minecraft. I won't make a big thread...

    I have decided to resign because I have lost interest in Minecraft. I won't make a big thread about it, just thought I would let you know.
  3. JPlay08

    My Resignation.

    It's sad to see you go. You were a great staff member, and an even better friend. Thank you for the time you put into the server, and I hope to hear from you again.
  4. JPlay08

    Please make a thread using the correct format here ->...

    Please make a thread using the correct format here -> Cloakfox will help you as soon as possible.
  5. JPlay08

    oh ****, I just got roasted

    oh ****, I just got roasted
  6. JPlay08

    I said I wanted to scare people. I'm not mentally insane!

    I said I wanted to scare people. I'm not mentally insane!
  7. JPlay08

    For Halloween, I've decided to give up on caffeine. If that doesn't scare the crap out of...

    For Halloween, I've decided to give up on caffeine. If that doesn't scare the crap out of everyone around me, nothing will.
  8. JPlay08


    I am one everyday for at least 30 minutes, just reporting hackers non-stop. We are doing our best here, but when 1.7 support was brought back, the AAC stopped working, but that will be fixed soon, so hopefully you won't see many hackers on after that happens.
  9. JPlay08

    Admit it.

    Excuse me, but I'm not 100% sure if players have permission to check the ban list, but one of the tabs above says "Bans", and if you click that, you will see that Players are constantly being banned, by all of the Staff members. When I go on the server now, (which is every day) I do not get a...
  10. JPlay08

    LMAO your profile pic has me dead! xD

    LMAO your profile pic has me dead! xD
  11. JPlay08


    Haha, nice!
  12. JPlay08

    If you make a thread about it here (, then...

    If you make a thread about it here (, then an OPed Staff member will help you as soon as possible.
  13. JPlay08

    Get vip

    I don't think you deserve to get a free rank when you don't even know what the server is called.
  14. JPlay08
  15. JPlay08

    Yea, I made a thread about it. Go check it out.

    Yea, I made a thread about it. Go check it out.