Recent content by jakedupjak

  1. jakedupjak

    Daily shop items

    And make prismarine shards an sell option cuz guardian farm kinda usesless
  2. jakedupjak

    New year giveaway

    Minecraft : jakedupjak Discord : jakedupjak#1139
  3. jakedupjak

    Giveaway TIMEEEEEE!!! (Skyblock)

    Name : jakedupjak Discord : jakedupjak#1139
  4. jakedupjak


    Its not like it will come alive again And the top players quit the server so u have a solid chance to get to the top
  5. jakedupjak

    Minions Information

    Farmer tier 1 is toch 19x19?
  6. jakedupjak

    Question About Helper Applications

    Well if you are older than 14 it should be okey
  7. jakedupjak

    Question About Helper Applications

    No u need to be 14
  8. jakedupjak


  9. jakedupjak

    Some one greifed me and stole from me

    Did u claim your area?
  10. jakedupjak

    Martijnsgaap warnt voor geen reden.

    Als ik jou was zou ik gaan huilen om die warn
  11. jakedupjak

    Not being able to afk

    Maybe they should update the rules on the forums but they dont do it how are we supposed to know the right rules? Cuz a lot of players are getting punishments without knowning what there fault is.
  12. jakedupjak

    Bad Server

    And idc tbh
  13. jakedupjak

    Bad Server

    K bye than ✌️ Cloak is not gonna mis 2 ppl
  14. jakedupjak


    +25 e/z u got it