Recent content by IrishChevron

  1. IrishChevron

    Can you fly in a boat on skyblock?

    Can you fly in a boat on skyblock on server ?
  2. IrishChevron

    Youtube Rank Application

    NO .. i used it to cause a storm.. get people interested and get them saying "seriously" get views comments and hopefully a sub or 2. it has partially worked. I love mcFoxcraft but i do play other servers. and is a great server to play on. Thank you to all that have viewed and...
  3. IrishChevron

    Ah but the thing is..... people are commenting... and to comment they view. its a strategic post...

    Ah but the thing is..... people are commenting... and to comment they view. its a strategic post to try entice people to view and comment. as you tube is about views....its also about giving a reason to view.... thats why i haven't replied to this post but i have to others.
  4. IrishChevron

    Custom skin needed.

    Any one here doing custom skins? looking for one at the right price and the right quality. IrishChevron
  5. IrishChevron

    Thank you for your support. all your views and comments mean so much to me...

    Thank you for your support. all your views and comments mean so much to me.
  6. IrishChevron

    If you have been enjoying my videos please subscribe :)

    If you have been enjoying my videos please subscribe :)
  7. IrishChevron

    Piston rockets - Lost in space. (Admin Needed)

    Played around with piston rockets today. now i need help clearing the void of space debris. am just getting the video posted now.
  8. IrishChevron

    Clean up at Chevrons isle needed.

    Hi admins of Glacier skyblock. Was doing some experiments and now some contraptions have left my boundary walls and are stuck out in the void in no mans land. If an admin with fly rights could come and break the blocks that would be great. A video will be put up later explaining what...
  9. IrishChevron

    For those who didnt see this morning - Working Laser Doors...

    For those who didnt see this morning - Working Laser Doors
  10. IrishChevron

    Working Laser Doors

    Working Laser Doors
  11. IrishChevron

    Base Jumping in minecraft -

    Base Jumping in minecraft -
  12. IrishChevron

    YouTube Channel

    Off to a good start. have subscribed to watch some more. Dont forget to check out my latest Vids :)
  13. IrishChevron

    Community Manager

    Congrats Mech. Already seen your new handy work in action :)
  14. IrishChevron

    Youtube Rank Application

    Sorry im confused.? What part is a spoof ?
  15. IrishChevron

    Youtube Rank Application

    Looking to get Youtube rank. I believe i meet all requirements 5 videos so far and more to come.. All have over a few hundred views each All withing the last 2 weeks. with Website mentioned both in videos and in description. Also an active member of the community :) @cloakfox