Recent content by IntroDUCKtion

  1. IntroDUCKtion


    I mean the island members. I honestly don't mind if everyone can activate it but i wan't Foxcraft to at least make it that the island members can activate it.
  2. IntroDUCKtion


    nah its not :/
  3. IntroDUCKtion


    dawm thx dude XD
  4. IntroDUCKtion


    I don't like it that the person who bought the minions on my island has to be online to activate them, why can't just everyone on the island activate them. The minions are a waste of money now.
  5. IntroDUCKtion

    Factions Reset!

    Nice looks verry good I saw 3 days ago /f top and hellfire was on nr 2 i understand that @17658 is mad about this its so unfair @_ItzMeNinja_ and @AbsurdAlfa and more players of hellfire have spend SOOO many time to get nr 2 its unfair they are now nr 4 your proof iBrady is verry bad there is...
  6. IntroDUCKtion


  7. IntroDUCKtion

    MrTullio and TheBeastKiller are hacking

    Made By Strafes4Life
  8. IntroDUCKtion

    Thebeastkiller hacks

    StrafesForLife made the vid
  9. IntroDUCKtion

    plz add /sellhand or inv or sell iron

    ik hoop dat er een command word toegevoeg dat je /sellhand of inv of naam kan doen want het is apetant om altijd naar vip te gaan een dan sellen plz add deze command
  10. IntroDUCKtion

