Recent content by I'm Out

  1. I'm Out


    Thanks! :D
  2. I'm Out


    idk Thanks, I agree. Thanks <3
  3. I'm Out


    Thanks... I thought so. (didnt know which one to put it in... :/) ummm, k. BAI! :3
  4. I'm Out


    Thanks fam, bai :'(
  5. I'm Out


    Thanks to school and after-school activities, staying active and checking the forums have been very difficult to keep up with. I realized that a LOT of people have been doing this... and I'm sad to say that I will now on, ONLY be available on weekends. I realize this is sad news to hear from a...
  6. I'm Out

    What is YOUR ign?

    What is YOUR ign?
  7. I'm Out

    No, you can't make me. Leave me alone please....

    No, you can't make me. Leave me alone please....
  8. I'm Out

    Hi Guys :D

    You too! I hope to see you around as well :)
  9. I'm Out

    Ummm, I .... no

    Ummm, I .... no
  10. I'm Out

    Hi Guys :D

    Well, Hej! :3 :D
  11. I'm Out

    Hi Guys :D

    I hope so! <3 Thanks for replying and HELLO! :3
  12. I'm Out

    Hi Guys :D

  13. I'm Out

    Hi Guys :D

    Thanks for replying! hi! :3 <3 Hai Hello, I recently have been on factions and a little skywars. :3 cx, thx
  14. I'm Out

    Ur mom

    Ur mom
  15. I'm Out

    I'll try today though, sorry. <3

    I'll try today though, sorry. <3