Recent content by Hallideadly

  1. Hallideadly

    pronounless and proud

    pronounless and proud
  2. Hallideadly

    Bonemeal factory

    Hello. Today I have a farm for some people that want a bonemeal setup close by to power some farms This is a self fueling moss farm designed to fit in one chunk @ 14 x 14 x 9 blocks in size. It is Foxcraft redstone compliant and is timed to run at a steady productive pace but without being...
  3. Hallideadly

    5x5 pop up base challenge.

    Hello. I was having some fun discovering different things as one does in Minecraft when I decided to make a 5x5 base and see what I could come up with. Surprisingly this has 3 floors, a level 30 enchant table, 40 storage crates, sleepy time corner and plenty of work stations. This is not at...
  4. Hallideadly

    Boat and Cart burning players

    Hello, The cauldron filled with lava can be hidden under a boat. Looks are decieving here and an unsuspecting person could sit in the boat thinking they can head to the water and be gone with your chest and stuff in it. They will quickly realize that there plan has been foiled as they will...
  5. Hallideadly

    How to find Ancient City

    I heard that it is the wind swept mountains that have cities under them. not just any big mountain but the ones that look as though there has been erosion over many years, smoother cliff sides and ledges, that sort of thing although I certainly could be wrong as this is only what I had been told...
  6. Hallideadly

    bamboo farm update

    Hello, I have made this thread for those that missed the mud blocks use in farms. (*watching a Hermit on Hermicraft not using mud blocks in his bamboo farm.) The mud block simplifies many farms and so I made an example for anyone that needs a hand. This slice is how the auto bamboo farm...
  7. Hallideadly

    Foxcraft Survival is officialy dead

    A person can play full vanilla survival on this server and never use the /shop or minions or whatever else. Use self restraint and let others play the way they enjoy, (remember that the server needs to be supported with cash money).
  8. Hallideadly

    Selling in shop

    that is right Kloppie74. @OP - it is as simple as right click the item of choice and that puts you into the sell window. carefully mouse over the blocks to read their descriptions and you will understand as there will be no buy option.
  9. Hallideadly

    storage overkill

    The Silo on display today is a mere 100 blocks tall of storage, (small silo) in a 1x1 space stored vertically. As with any Silo out there in the real world, they contain a single item type such as wheat for example. *max storage capacity of this small silo exceeds 4.6 million blocks -...
  10. Hallideadly

    Steak please

    For the cost of 2 wheat we get a sumptuous fire roasted steak fit for a king, (Sir Loin). Sign me up. With or without redstone; For the purpose of sending items up to a chest near the player. Adult cows are too big to fall down a 1x1 hole if there is an open trapdoor for them to stand on...
  11. Hallideadly

    Mob Vote (Sniffer) rumor

    Rumor has it that the Sniffer mob's skeleton may be the fossils found deep underground. This link is to a post I made that has diamonds all around the bones of this creature the Sniffer. The truth of this has not...
  12. Hallideadly

    Shop idea

    *Disclaimer - I am using part of a design created by ImpulseSV, (his storage sorting build) This build will not work on Foxcraft as redstone delay breaks it Shop idea to minimize searching for items vs time for delivery. This is a Prototype and I expect to make an expansion to accommodate more...
  13. Hallideadly

    Villager trading TIP

    Seen enough people in YouTube videos not knowing a basic villager trading tip that saves a huge amount of time. So many that I decided to post a thread explaining and showing how this one step will make trading less of a chore and more OP. This is not new and many are aware of this simple...
  14. Hallideadly

    More Nano Machine Tech

    Hello and welcome; I have designed a few obscure nano farms for you to look at. Bonemeal is always a nano farm requirement. Dispenser do not use bonemeal if the item it tries to use it on is fully grown or if there is no item. 1 - Propagules, (Mangrove Tree Sapling) Uses a leaf block...
  15. Hallideadly

    A Plush Flush

    Welcome to the new era in excrement expulsion. Riverside Depositories, (always locate downstream) a.k.a. - outhouses. Sanitation is paramount and with our patented purifying powder there is nothing left but pure water washing it all downstream. There has been no expense spared in...