Recent content by FruityNuTz

  1. FruityNuTz

    Retired Staff

    You wont get anything
  2. FruityNuTz


    Its a Shame that cloakfox and affixes don't listen to what the communty wants.
  3. FruityNuTz

    Survival reset and opinions

    Decent, No Further Questions from me.
  4. FruityNuTz

    Survival reset and opinions

    Sweet! Will enderchests be resetting completely?
  5. FruityNuTz

    Survival reset and opinions

    "with classic Foxcraft pvp lines" Like the ones in 1.6./1.7? And I know this is a long shot but would you consider bringing back the old survival 1.6/1.7 spawn?
  6. FruityNuTz

    Survival reset and opinions

    Maybe bringing back the /lockette chests is a bit to much but I think survival has to do away with these claims, as they have really just killed survival. Can a compromise be found that allows some raiding, but also a bit of grief protection? I think this would probably please most people. And...
  7. FruityNuTz

    Survival reset and opinions

    Survival isn't going to be a factions server, you don't make cannons and blows threw walls to raid bases in survival and have creeper eggs, survival raiding compared to factions raiding are completely different things. And lets be honest here you made survival more like a factions server when...
  8. FruityNuTz

    Survival reset and opinions

    Which is pretty much what survival used to be back when it was actually popular....
  9. FruityNuTz

    Survival reset and opinions

    Survival without raiding has proved on a few occasions that it doesn't work and the survival server just becomes dead. I keep stating it, and will continue to, just look at survival in the past, when survival had raiding/no claiming it was very popular, when Chests protected by spells and...
  10. FruityNuTz

    Survival reset and opinions

    Survival was at its most popular when you could raid, when you added spells to protect chests and then claims, they killed survival.
  11. FruityNuTz

    Survival reset and opinions

    Bring back /lockette chests
  12. FruityNuTz

    Survival reset and opinions

    Make it similar to how survival used to be in 1.6/1.7, because lets be honest that's when survival was at its most popular, you cannot deny that. Most of what us survival players think is needed can be found in this threads and the comments below it...
  13. FruityNuTz

    Cheers Pal

    Cheers Pal
  14. FruityNuTz

    how can you be that bad at spelling, FML

    how can you be that bad at spelling, FML