Recent content by Fabian_AQ

  1. F

    Yes but i have to wait months i can predict :-/

    Yes but i have to wait months i can predict :-/
  2. F

    A BIT?? Cough* Cough* Some months -,_-,

    A BIT?? Cough* Cough* Some months -,_-,
  3. F

    I did for 4 hours ago.

    I did for 4 hours ago.
  4. F

    Please cant you do it for me or just help?

    Please cant you do it for me or just help?
  5. F

    I Lost My SkyFox.

    I Lost My SkyFox.
  6. F

    I cant make a thread or whats it called there D;

    I cant make a thread or whats it called there D;
  7. F

    Please can you help me i lost my Skyfox? Now im only member and cant /kit skyfox or /d or...

    Please can you help me i lost my Skyfox? Now im only member and cant /kit skyfox or /d or anything like a skyfox...