THIS IS A HUSBAND AD: HELLO! Are you lonely? are you gay? Are you in search of a husband? maybe two? WELL DO I HAVE A DEAL FOR YOU! The first two people to text me "I'm that ho3" in my profile posts or @'s me on the forum chat have a chance to be in a relationship with a caring, loving, and kind player! USERNAME: petertheghost. DISPLAY NAME: kingboo / kingboone. and if you are up for it... BOTH PLAYERS may be in a three-way marriage <3 however, if you are uncomfortable with this, you can ask to flip a coin and I will flip and see who gets him. Boone will be a gentleman to you for the rest of his days and will go out of his way to do favors for you and take over if something is too hard to ensure your comfort. He can also split his affection in two so that if a three-way relationship ensues, both partners will feel loved and appreciated. <3 you may also expect many gifts from him as he loves making others happy.
- Birthday
Dec 29, 2000
(Age: 24)
- Gender
- Male
- Occupation
- that one gay dude that is always online for some reason
that one gay dude who never leaves the server <3
Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.