Recent content by Elucidatorz

  1. Elucidatorz

    Baii Guys

  2. Elucidatorz

    Ksmudger Auto KIller

    when the "emPerOr oF Foxcraft"{he just delusional} talks trash and gets killed by dogs lol this went on for 2minutes in case ur wondering lol
  3. Elucidatorz

    Shrine of Ksmudger

  4. Elucidatorz

    banned for "auto clicker/macros" aka brady blind and wants me to buy an unban

    banned for "auto clicker/macros" aka brady blind and wants me to buy an unban
  5. Elucidatorz

    Nice Easter egg

    i just want to post something inactive on forums for too long
  6. Elucidatorz

    Nice Easter egg

  7. Elucidatorz

    Another Introduction

    XD mc is fun with u @Toasterwave <3
  8. Elucidatorz

    Firework killing in claims

    as the "adult" dont you think you should like dont answer and keep ur comments to urself mr "19 YEAR OLD"? also btw the fact that ur whining rn is kinda pathetic lol (especially the part about children killing u)
  9. Elucidatorz

    Empire Memes, It's back.

    this is clearly directed at vpkingdom lol rip vp
  10. Elucidatorz

    The Empire - Recruitment Thread

    Your IGN (in-game-name):tHeGloRyOfeMpiRe-lol cringe Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just prefered):Shadowfox Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game. (Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Discord chat) (used for...
  11. Elucidatorz

    Player Report (Toastynesss)

    OMG thats so rude of him So what is this thread doing in off-topics? lol also w8 OMG ur friend advertised discord server o no bad guy
  12. Elucidatorz


    im not becoming staff on this server i cos i want to play purely survival @Toastynesss
  13. Elucidatorz


    guns ofc look at the right side
  14. Elucidatorz


  15. Elucidatorz

    survival just got worse

    They removed it gg YAY