Recent content by EenhoornJelmer

  1. EenhoornJelmer

    Ur nub

    Ur nub
  2. EenhoornJelmer

    Pigmen Spawners!

    We dont dupe dud, we are just better than you ;)
  3. EenhoornJelmer

    Pigmen Spawners!

    "We can't say that from oot" m8 srsly ur just mad bc u suck and oot doesnt
  4. EenhoornJelmer


    How much hits does it tkae to remove bedrock? Or is it unbreakable?
  5. EenhoornJelmer

    hi im joran i have a youtube chanal and i wil like the youtuber rank

    Why does a noob want yt rank :/, when ur too noob to turn ur killaura of in the hub, you dont have to be awarded with youtube rank lel
  6. EenhoornJelmer

    hi im joran i have a youtube chanal and i wil like the youtuber rank

    @Elementios u was in hub yesterday with killaura on.. ur lucky that mastersniper was afk because if he wasnt u were banned for the second time.. @cloakfox watch this dud The temp ban was from mastersniper nvm
  7. EenhoornJelmer

    Skyblock vulcan

    Youre mom have money* #ripwickedmomscreditcard
  8. EenhoornJelmer

    Skyblock vulcan

    Sorry dud but you are a pay2winner and the villagers know that :/
  9. EenhoornJelmer

    Skyblock vulcan

    Maybe it is cuz you already have bought 6K of mcmmo, and the villagers think he is a pay2winner so we despawn ;)
  10. EenhoornJelmer


    ^^^^^ and vulcan just have to be fixed..
  11. EenhoornJelmer


  12. EenhoornJelmer

    Chest shops

    TOTALLY agree its so annoying!
  13. EenhoornJelmer


    Why you won't do that on glacier than? Thats way older skyblock
  14. EenhoornJelmer

    Pistons can't push ores in a cobble gen?!

    In skyblock before vulcan came, pistons could push them and i know that because i played then so my question is why they can push it anymore :(
  15. EenhoornJelmer

    Pistons can't push ores in a cobble gen?!

    Thats bullshit because why would the server wants that you can't make autofarm anymore? And btw this is on vulcan not on glacier.