Recent content by Diabetus_Fetus

  1. Diabetus_Fetus

    My letter

    He'll be back on July 2nd dw
  2. Diabetus_Fetus

    The Foxcraft Update Announcement

    no, i believe you mean no.
  3. Diabetus_Fetus

    and i say "no" and proceed to spam

    and i say "no" and proceed to spam
  4. Diabetus_Fetus

    thats what you sound like when youre getting bow spammed in a hole

    thats what you sound like when youre getting bow spammed in a hole
  5. Diabetus_Fetus

    The Foxcraft Update Announcement

    May 26"st"
  6. Diabetus_Fetus

    Will SkyBlock be reset after the new update?

    Someone else progress doesnt effect your own, its not like you can only buy X ig spawners within the entire playerbase
  7. Diabetus_Fetus

    hi nobs

    No u
  8. Diabetus_Fetus

    hi I am new

    Uninstall, youll be happier
  9. Diabetus_Fetus


  10. Diabetus_Fetus

    You suck willbrine

    You suck willbrine
  11. Diabetus_Fetus


  12. Diabetus_Fetus

    "Birthday suit"

    "Birthday suit"
  13. Diabetus_Fetus

    The Foxcraft Update Announcement

    They removing skywars? Lol, that one gamemode that i went on just to do parkour, or are they just not doing anything to it?
  14. Diabetus_Fetus

    Follow me or be deported

    Follow me or be deported
  15. Diabetus_Fetus

    Go back away

    Go back away