Recent content by DeralTGM

  1. DeralTGM

    i know i em buzzy on my mod an youtube channel im coming probably back fast

    i know i em buzzy on my mod an youtube channel im coming probably back fast
  2. DeralTGM

    they are

    they are
  3. DeralTGM

    Stop Reading This!!!

    Stop Reading This!!!
  4. DeralTGM

    i got problems with that member rank thing i signed up and i still don't have it can i get some...

    i got problems with that member rank thing i signed up and i still don't have it can i get some information about that? please ,_,
  5. DeralTGM

    i em one person...

    thats why
  6. DeralTGM

    i em one person...

    just stop reading it
  7. DeralTGM

    i em one person...