Recent content by CrushedSpirits

  1. CrushedSpirits

    Mute Luring

    Hi, like Dzultra said, we can not be online 24/7. I would suggest that you make a player report when you think someone is mute evading. Crushed
  2. CrushedSpirits


    If you think this player is using hacks you can report here:
  3. CrushedSpirits

    Christmas Giveaway Time!

    Discord -> CrushedSouls#0439 Minecraft -> Mythical_spy Current Rank -> Mysticfox Reason: to give to some unranked players
  4. CrushedSpirits

    Skyfox Voucher Giveaway! (Survival)

    1) No current rank 2) I want to participate in the give away 3) KonijnenRol#0439 4) I liked the post
  5. CrushedSpirits

    Who want 6.55Mil?

    1. Done 2. Done 3. KonijnenRol 4. KonijnenRol#0439 5. Ik zou dat geld zeer goed kunnen gebruiken op ob. En doen wat je hieronder zei.
  6. CrushedSpirits

    Giveaway time!

    idkwhatigntopick#0439 Ben jij je tong verloren? Nee? Mooi, want die heb je zo nog nodig.
  7. CrushedSpirits

    10$ Giveaway!

    I like to win it because then I can use it very good in game ;) mc username: idkwhatigntopick discord: idkwhatigntopick#0439