Recent content by cloud_divider

  1. cloud_divider

    about what has happened on my profile page.

    about what has happened on my profile page.
  2. cloud_divider

    I'm confused.

    I'm confused.
  3. cloud_divider

    I'm playing Pokemon Moon.

    I'm playing Pokemon Moon.
  4. cloud_divider

    Good, playing Pokemon xD

    Good, playing Pokemon xD
  5. cloud_divider

    OH how are ya?

    OH how are ya?
  6. cloud_divider


  7. cloud_divider

    I just realized that it still says I'm a new member.

    I just realized that it still says I'm a new member.
  8. cloud_divider

    Word-Per-Person Story

  9. cloud_divider

    I haven't been on much recently cuz I've been doing school stuff

    I haven't been on much recently cuz I've been doing school stuff
  10. cloud_divider

    I'm not sure if I should apply now for helper or wait, I'm probably gonna wait til next time...

    I'm not sure if I should apply now for helper or wait, I'm probably gonna wait til next time because I'm gonna have a busy year.
  11. cloud_divider

    Helper apps: OPEN

    Good Luck to all who are applying!! I think I'll wait til next time to apply though.
  12. cloud_divider

    Player Count issue solution/petition.

    I'd probably come back to Foxcraft more often with a better kitpvp, most of my friends met me on kitpvp. Since I hardly come on as of right now besides creative. +1 vote
  13. cloud_divider

    introducing myself

    I like the username it's pretty clever, anyways at some point teach me how to factions most of the time I just sit around. Anyways I'm gonna get to the point of this comment, Welcome!!!
  14. cloud_divider

    *continued cuz i ran out of space* You can see how pink my room is from here.

    *continued cuz i ran out of space* You can see how pink my room is from here.
  15. cloud_divider

    So... my profile pick is still mahshelf do I look like a shelf or is that just my shelf, it has...

    So... my profile pick is still mahshelf do I look like a shelf or is that just my shelf, it has some d&d books on it.