Recent content by buddiboi_7252

  1. buddiboi_7252


  2. buddiboi_7252

    I'm back!

    Thanks. sorry I replied late, I still have school
  3. buddiboi_7252

    I'm back!

    thanks <3
  4. buddiboi_7252

    I'm back!

    Hey guys, for you guys who don't know me, I am a 15 year old who joined the forums over a year. (May 3, 2018) Yesterday was. my 1 year anniversary on the forums, so I decided to come back to Foxcraft. So, this is how the story went. I had a lot of school work to do, and my mind couldn't keep up...
  5. buddiboi_7252


    Oh, I thought it meant a different stacking.
  6. buddiboi_7252

    Yeah, lol

    Yeah, lol
  7. buddiboi_7252


    Plugins don't make you lag. I think you mean WITH stacking.
  8. buddiboi_7252


    Translation: Hey did u remove stacking on factions? It makes me lag like crazy with stacking. That's what I think he means. You can't lag crazy with one less plugin, and not lag when you have one more plugin.
  9. buddiboi_7252

    Hey, I'm Maggster441

  10. buddiboi_7252


    This was very unexpected
  11. buddiboi_7252

    Mini Amusement Park on Creative

    Last sentence correction (I can't edit): In this video, I am going on every ride in my mini amusement park on Creative.
  12. buddiboi_7252

    For anyone who likes xx and misses him go in here

    Rip XXXTentacion I miss him RIP
  13. buddiboi_7252

    Mini Amusement Park on Creative

    I just created a YouTube channel and I am going to share my first video. I hope you enjoy it. It is me going on every ride in my mini amusement park on Creative.
  14. buddiboi_7252

    How do you create a town?

    Its fine.
  15. buddiboi_7252

    How do you create a town?

    Thanks, next time don't lie though. If you lie, people won't be able to help