Recent content by buddercon1

  1. buddercon1

    Thank You @Baest, @Divisi @Snoop

    Thank You @Baest, @Divisi @Snoop
  2. buddercon1

    Thank You! @MechBaetato @RedTheFox999 @jayxkrazies

    Thank You! @MechBaetato @RedTheFox999 @jayxkrazies
  3. buddercon1


    Ok xD
  4. buddercon1


    How do you install though?
  5. buddercon1


    I don't have a recording software :/
  6. buddercon1

    yay!!! :D xD

    yay!!! :D xD
  7. buddercon1


    People are abusing /god in pvp and also when i'm 1v1ing someone and their losing their team mate that is not in the fight does /duel *nametag* and the person i'm fighting can do /duel accept IN COMBAT and leave!!
  8. buddercon1


    OMG bro i'm so sorry and i wish you the best of luck through your surgery, you are the nicest guy on the server but even though i'm not sure you like me very much xD i still hope you live and when u get through surgery ill hit u up with some skywars? and maybe some stuff on skyblock but i wish...
  9. buddercon1

    Foxcraft merch

    OMG NO WAY!! I Think the mouse pad would be the most popular tbh :) but this is a great idea!
  10. buddercon1

    Where tf has u been

    Where tf has u been
  11. buddercon1


  12. buddercon1

