Recent content by BoraBora007

  1. BoraBora007

    Meme Event Submission: BoraBora007

    User name: BoraBora007 What is your minecraft username? BoraBora007 Meme title Signing the declaration Upload meme Rules Yes
  2. BoraBora007

    Minimum viewer count for "YouTube Rank"

    I want Creator rank lol, cuz i dont wanna have a rank where suddenly everyone wants, the moment i mentioned it on game lol
  3. BoraBora007

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  4. BoraBora007

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  5. BoraBora007

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  6. BoraBora007

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  7. BoraBora007

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  8. BoraBora007

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  9. BoraBora007

    Events/DC-server/channel bora town

    my mom always thought me go big or go home. also true about other events. can i get a word from staff when people start participating in events via Foxcraft discord server no-one participating wont get a mute or time out? let me help you with answer, its a no. so i really dont want to host...
  10. BoraBora007

    Events/DC-server/channel bora town

    this things ain't getting any results anyway lol... The first idea was liked. then denied. then denied again. When i say i wanna have live concerts on oneblock with rl artists i get a text channel opened. i guess charlie puth would love to type his songs instead of sing them. xD (yeah i have...
  11. BoraBora007

    Happpyyy birthdaaayyyy Elizaaaa <3 :)

    Happpyyy birthdaaayyyy Elizaaaa <3 :)
  12. BoraBora007

    Are you okay if I appeal?

    Its fine with me, just dont ever again tell me anything about what are you doing on your ob and dont involve me in that sht ever again. I spend way to much money and time to be banned or even argue over something i didnt do and had nothing to do with it in first place!
  13. BoraBora007


    yeah that name or nickname gets each day more annoying tbh…
  14. BoraBora007

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day.

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day.
  15. BoraBora007

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day