Recent content by Aquaariuss

  1. Aquaariuss

    Giving away (almost) everything I own on Glacier and Vulcan Oneblock servers!

    I want to participate in this giveaway because I am still a beginner on oneblock. I sometimes play oneblock vulcan but mostly you will find me on kingdoms. oneblock vulcan ign: aquaariuss discord: Dilhan19_#81777
  2. Aquaariuss

    Why this staff team fails over and over again.

    cloak kan je ip zien eh xDDD
  3. Aquaariuss

    Why this staff team fails over and over again.

    alt of officalydylan
  4. Aquaariuss

    Why this staff team fails over and over again.

    alt of officalydylan
  5. Aquaariuss

    Why this staff team fails over and over again.

    you said ' The management are hiring the same demoted players and then they go inactive again. You get 100s of applications every time by new players who are willing enough to ensure they do a good job as a role of a staff member and you ignore them and go for the worst picks ' This round there...
  6. Aquaariuss

    Why this staff team fails over and over again.

    these are not facts, This round there are new staff members so idk what kind of bullshit you are talking and reason 2 logically right that higher staff always support lower?
  7. Aquaariuss

    /shop godapples

  8. Aquaariuss

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    First time cloakfox has responded so much to a thread xD
  9. Aquaariuss

    Thoughts On Foxcraft.

    my boy has spoken +100
  10. Aquaariuss

    what is your ingame name?

    what is your ingame name?
  11. Aquaariuss

    Kingdoms 1.17 Reset & Updates

    Sorry But DarkEmpire FTW :D
  12. Aquaariuss

    Kingdoms 1.17 Reset & Updates

    @Orange_AB for builder :p
  13. Aquaariuss


  14. Aquaariuss

    FOX RANK GIVEAWAY!!!! Oneblock!

    Discord : Dilhan19_#7777 Minecraft : xDarkjeee ;D i have to win bc im qutiee