Recent content by ACD02

  1. ACD02

    $100 Giftcard for any online store giveaway - Goodbye - Ksmudger - Tyrone

    Gonna miss logging on survival and seeing only you.
  2. ACD02

    Prison at its last chance

    need guards.
  3. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    Accepted! Welcome to the Kingdom! We can invite you next time you are on.
  4. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    Zenofox is an enemy we cant risk having people in our kingdom who are allies/friends with him.
  5. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    Denied! Friends with Zenofox.
  6. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    Denied! If you would like to join please redo your application without memes.
  7. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    Was but your banned right?
  8. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    go for it pal
  9. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    You should of thought about association yourself with certain people
  10. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    We don’t like hackers in our kingdom!
  11. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    Accepted! Welcome to the Kingdom. We will invite you when your on next.
  12. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    Who is a multable friend
  13. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    Don’t you already have a kingdom?
  14. ACD02

    Applications to Magma! The #1 kingdom!

    Accepted! Welcome to the Kingdom