Recent content by AbysmalPlays

  1. AbysmalPlays

    Is that.... Nah it can't be who I think it is as your PFP.

    Is that.... Nah it can't be who I think it is as your PFP.
  2. AbysmalPlays

    A Broken Gasmask hello.

    Welcome to Foxcraft. I hope you enjoy what we have to offer, Mr. Lipschnect.
  3. AbysmalPlays

    I am Clazzo

    Hmm. Have I seen you somewhere.. Coulda swore I saw you Mod too.. Must be my imagination.
  4. AbysmalPlays


    -Old Factions probably. -Hub minigames are an idea that I can get behind. -The free building world probably won't be a good idea because not everyone is too fond of griefing as is, a new world promoting it won't settle well with most, probably causing the server to lose players. -KitPVP just...
  5. AbysmalPlays

    I think Cloak is secretly a VSCO boi

    Yep. Definitely.
  6. AbysmalPlays


    Make a user report.
  7. AbysmalPlays

    I made a supermarket

    Looks phenomenal! Great building skills shown in a clear example! Keep up the good work!
  8. AbysmalPlays

    ReCaptcha when logging in

    Wow! Crazy!! Glad to know Cloak is on top of that stuff!
  9. AbysmalPlays

    ReCaptcha when logging in

    Why is there a GUI that pops up to make me click a block to prove I'm human? Is the bottom problem getting this bad?! I'm not saying it's a bad idea.
  10. AbysmalPlays

    What do you all think about me?

    Thank you, I guess xD
  11. AbysmalPlays

    What do you all think about me?

    Hey everybody! I was wondering what your opinions/thoughts are about me? In game I am formerly known as Jaren0916. I am wanting to know so I can better myself for the future. Thank you!
  12. AbysmalPlays


  13. AbysmalPlays


    How would we see the points we get from voting? Is it in game or on here?
  14. AbysmalPlays

    'Donator rank' on forums.

  15. AbysmalPlays

    Foxcraft Discord
