Goodbye [v2] [For real this time]

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May 11, 2017

Some of you may remember my previous goodbye thread, I got banned and decided quit gaming/fox, however, it didn't happen.
I've come, once again, to the decision to quit Foxcraft. I mean, like, not only Foxcraft, but this online life (discord, minecraft, ....) for good.
I've thought really much about life, I really have, and I don't want to see myself playing Minecraft or being active on Discord when I'm in my 20's (it's not bad if you're in your 20's and play MC, it's just personal.).

Yeah, I know I've never shown what kind of person I really am, sometimes I was nice, sometimes I was freaking annoying and sometimes, well, sometimes I didn't care about anyone at all.
I've lost motivation, not going to shut down much projects at 80% / 90%, had my ups and downs (mostly downs), and in short, I don't think (well I'm actually 100% sure) I want to continue with this life.
I promised myself to focus on education and other things in life, Discord and Minecraft were the things that made me an (almost) introvert.

Education really isn't the only thing that makes me quit all of this, I have many reasons. Some of you may not understand why lol but I'm sure, in time, you'll feel what I've felt. (@Foursythe no I'm not quitting bc of my gf lol). Another reason why I quit, is that I don't feel like I'm appreciated in some ways. yeah I got my friends, but I still have this feeling. I feel I don't belong here, I feel like I'm not the guy to play on my laptop 24/7 on a mc server, placing/breaking blocks. I feel like this will only get me down in life, and it sure has. I want to focus on real projects, I want to go work, I want to achieve actual things in life.

I'm 17 (in case you didn't know) and I'm 100% sure that every decision I make right now, every move I do now, everything I say now, every step I set now, will decide my future. I'm just 100% sure of it, and my first decision is to quit this. I'm not the type to "come online once in a while" because if I come, there's a chance I'll stay which I want to avoid the most. I've learnt so much, not only about life but many MANY other things. "I've grown alright, but have I grown up?" is the question i ask myself everyday when I wake up, "Did I learn anything today?" is the question I ask myself at the end of my activities, "And what about tomorrow, is there a tomorrow?" are the questions I ask myself when I'm in bed (right before sleeping lol).

I wanna thank these lads:

@Uggiee_ and @Melaniee_ just like before, thanks for being my very first friends here.
@cloakfox thanks for answering sometimes lol
@Justinc2522 Yeah I know we weren't the best friends, but I think we can say goodbye as (almost) friends now xd
@Baerify and @AbsurdAlfa You 2 my bro's
@Vcqce and @IISAG3R aw you 2 have a special place in my heart
@_Super_Hans_ and Ksmudger, thanks for being great teammates!
@bloo_the_fluff and @Lanuginoso You 2 were always nice to me, no matter what happened
@SprenkOnline and @Jaimy_Eijk03 thanks for making me laugh :D
@Haileyrion well you're actually my best friend on here :D, I can't trust anyone more than you :D

And many more,

Ur mom gae
Contact me on forums for that

Well, I was never good with words hehe, but I think that this is really it for me.
I never expected this, but, it is what it is, and eventually, you'll quit too.

I don't want any contact with anyone anymore, so I'm deleting Discord too.

It has been a great time?
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WTF one of the closest friends on the server, It's sometimes needed but keep in touch don't wanna lose a friend like you, BEST IN THE FUTURE KONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK
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nu ff groot
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Some of you may remember my previous goodbye thread, I got banned and decided quit gaming/fox, however, it didn't happen.
I've come, once again, to the decision to quit Foxcraft. I mean, like, not only Foxcraft, but this online life (discord, minecraft, ....) for good.
I've thought really much about life, I really have, and I don't want to see myself playing Minecraft or being active on Discord when I'm in my 20's (it's not bad if you're in your 20's and play MC, it's just personal.).

Yeah, I know I've never shown what kind of person I really am, sometimes I was nice, sometimes I was freaking annoying and sometimes, well, sometimes I didn't care about anyone at all.
I've lost motivation, not going to not going to shut down much projects at 80% / 90%, had my ups and downs (mostly downs), and in short, I don't think (well I'm actually 100% sure) I want to continue with this life.
I promised myself to focus on education and other things in life, Discord and Minecraft were the things that made me an (almost) introvert.

Education really isn't the only thing that makes me quit all of this, I have many reasons. Some of you may not understand why lol but I'm sure, in time, you'll feel what I've felt. (@Foursythe no I'm not quitting bc of my gf lol). Another reason why I quit, is that I don't feel like I'm appreciated in some ways. yeah I got my friends, but I still have this feeling. I feel I don't belong here, I feel like I'm not the guy to play on my laptop 24/7 on a mc server, placing/breaking blocks. I feel like this will only get me down in life, and it sure has. I want to focus on real projects, I want to go work, I want to achieve actual things in life.

I'm 17 (in case you didn't know) and I'm 100% sure that every decision I make right now, every move I do now, everything I say now, every step I set now, will decide my future. I'm just 100% sure of it, and my first decision is to quit this. I'm not the type to "come online once in a while" because if I come, there's a chance I'll stay which I want to avoid the most. I've learnt so much, not only about life but many MANY other things. "I've grown alright, but have I grown up?" is the question i ask myself everyday when I wake up, "Did I learn anything today?" is the question I ask myself at the end of my activities, "And what about tomorrow, is there a tomorrow?" are the questions I ask myself when I'm in bed (right before sleeping lol).

I wanna thank these lads:

@Uggiee_ and @Melaniee_ just like before, thanks for being my very first friends here.
@cloakfox thanks for answering sometimes lol
@Justinc2522 Yeah I know we weren't the best friends, but I think we can say goodbye as (almost) friends now xd
@Baerify and @AbsurdAlfa You 2 my bro's
@Vcqce and @IISAG3R aw you 2 have a special place in my heart
@_Super_Hans_ and Ksmudger, thanks for being great teammates!
@bloo_the_fluff and @Lanuginoso You 2 were always nice to me, no matter what happened
@SprenkOnline and @Jaimy_Eijk03 thanks for making me laugh :D
@Haileyrion well you're actually my best friend on here :D, I can't trust anyone more than you :D

And many more,

Ur mom gae
Contact me on forums for that

Well, I was never good with words hehe, but I think that this is really it for me.
I never expected this, but, it is what it is, and eventually, you'll quit too.

I don't want any contact with anyone anymore, so I'm deleting Discord too.

It has been a great time?
Oof probably never liked me as well hehr
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