Birthday Give-away(ENDED)

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Sep 3, 2016
Hey you! Yes I'ts my Birthday today!!:cool:

and I want to treat some of you with a Give-Away.
I'm going to give something away, there will be 3 winners

-First Place Reward-:mc_276-0:

1x UFA (UnmigratedFullAcces Minecraft account)
I will give the information to migrate this account to your own email.
Once migrated, you will be able to change the name, skin, password, email, and security questions to this account

3x NFA (Minecraft Non-Full Access account)
You can login to Minecraft and play with this account,
You cannot change skin, user, password, email

10x Sharp5 axes on /skyblock

5Mill ingame money on /skyblock!!

-Second Place Reward-:mc_267-0:

1x NFA (Minecraft Non-Full Access account)
You can login to Minecraft and play with this account,
You cannot change skin, user, password, email

10x Sharp5 axes on /skyblock

2Mill ingame money on /skyblock!!

-Third Place Reward-:mc_272-0:

1x Foxking kit on /kingdoms

1x Foxking kit on /skyblock

5x Sharp5 axes on /skyblock

500K ingame money on /skyblock!!
How to win?
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Winners will be picked 16March 3pm est!!!

1e @lnstagram
2e @king22704
3e @UFiskelig

congratulations if you won! if you have not won too bad but thanks for participating maybe there will be more in the future! unfortunately I cannot make everyone happy otherwise I would have done that.
Have a nice day y'all!

Pm me on discord to claim the prize,
If you dont claim the prize in a week I will choose a new winner.


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Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Jornub
Happy Birthday to You.
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.

Because its almost my birthday too c:
And I want it because I want it c:
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Happy BirthDay!! My birthday is 8 march :D. I hope you will have a nice b-day and make the best of it! Joe Joe AbsurdAlfa!!
Oh and the reson i want to win is because I want an Alt acc already a long time! so i will make the best of it when I am gonne win! Happy Birthday Again!!
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Yay yay yay!!! It's your birth... day!!!! Oooh oooh yeah! It's your birthday (birthday) yeah!!!!!! Happy birthday !
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