Most Embarrassing Moment

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Like Neo pets?

No, like Neo from the Matrix. He can dodge bullets.

But Neo Pets was awesome :)
Lol, you beat me to reply!
Some kid spat at my brother (Dirty scum/I was only 9) I was acting all big man and chased them, Tried jumping a fence got stuck, almost face planted, placed my hand out in order to save my face and I got rushed to the hospital because I have a dodgy heart!
lol i was playing soccer and i was goalie and this guy came 3ft away from me and literaly kick the soccer ball in my face:eek:..... ive never played soccer again.the other one is when i was like 11 and i called a guy at school a Mother**** F*** for being pg 18 and calling me names....i said it in front of the teachers....:D

I have so many embarrassing moments but this is just one of those.

I was at a competition for swimming and it was like 10 at night. I was exhausted as well everyone else there. I was about to dive in and my dive was the worst dive ever. I didn't loose the race thank god though.
lol I love this but... I don't understand the Connor one :/
That's because you wouldn't have been here for the time when I was banned, therefore I spoke to Connor about receiving the HPatrol rank, a rank devoted to catching hackers that was removed some months back. I asked him if I could still apply and get it, even after being banned. And he directly told me no. But I went on to gain the rank, and also Helper, and then I was put on trial for staff. So, I proved him wrong, and got the rank (He was still Head-Staff at the time I got all those ranks/promotions). So, long story short he was brutally wrong.
That's because you wouldn't have been here for the time when I was banned, therefore I spoke to Connor about receiving the HPatrol rank, a rank devoted to catching hackers that was removed some months back. I asked him if I could still apply and get it, even after being banned. And he directly told me no. But I went on to gain the rank, and also Helper, and then I was put on trial for staff. So, I proved him wrong, and got the rank (He was still Head-Staff at the time I got all those ranks/promotions). So, long story short he was brutally wrong.
I probably was, I've been on this server for over 4 years. I just never interacted with Players, or forums.
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