New Helpers

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hi i'm parkif
can i have an unban on your server
my minecraft name is parkifgames or gamer_parkif
may I
then you're a boss
I would like to splinter on your server
I have a ban on your server
greetings parkif
Hey, Everyone!

I am excited to announce the new Helpers. Out of 82 applications made, 9 have been accepted:


I would like to thank everyone who made an application for taking the time to do so. It was hard to pick people this round, thus why it took a week.

Not everyone will agree with this list. However, please respect these new Helpers and show them your support.

For those who were not accepted, I hope this does not change your view on Foxcraft. Some common reasons people were denied was that a player was not too active on the server and/or forum, did not have an application that met usual standards, and/or needed time to mature. If you feel you may fit into any of categories, I would recommend you correct any of these and re-apply!

I would like to give a special shout-out to some of the staff that helped me very much during this process: @Yoahi, @Justinc2522, @Ronster_, and @TotalMM. I would like to publicly thank you guys for helping me! I could not have done this without you.

Good luck to all the new Helpers!
- 11kobeer
Hmm. This is a good list. Congrats to all the new Helpers!
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