New gamemode releasing Sunday! [Hardcore]

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Mar 7, 2016

Hello everyone!

It has been a while since anything was posted on the announcements but do not worry! I am working hard behind the scenes on loads of new updates. And this is one of them.

Hardcore Survival or /hardcore for short, is a new gamemode that will replace /anarchy on the server navigator (compass) and on the scoreboard in the hubs. Anarchy will not go offline, it will stay online and you will be able to join with /anarchy or /server anarchy. Anarchy is one of those servers that should never go offline or reset. All veteran ranks bought on Anarchy will transfer over to Hardcore Survival.

So what is this Hardcore Survival?
Hardcore survival is a gamemode that is very similair to Anarchy. There are a few key differences though.
A few of them being death bans and the custom world generation on this gamemode.

When joining this gamemode you will start with 2 lives, so when you die twice you get auto banned for 24 hours. Death timer may change later when everybody has settled.
People with veteran ranks have a 75% reduced death ban time, so that results in a 6h ban.

Now the custom world generation, it looks great and gives a custom feel when playing. The chests you can find have been nerfed a bit when comparing to the custom world generation on /fcove.

Why replace this with anarchy?
Biggest reason for that is because having to many gamemodes is not good on a network, players get spread across all the gamemodes to much that way. Also because the sponsorship I have running for this gamemode requires a fresh world/start.

The gamemode will be played by a big twitch streamer every Saturday or Sunday at 1 PM CEST.
( with /hardcore

Main features:
  • Teams
  • Custom world generation
  • Deathbans
  • Anti-xray
  • Barebones survival
Hardcore Survival is releasing tomorrow at 1 PM CEST
You can watch it live tomorrow at 1 PM CEST

New store category:

Thanks for reading, stay active on the forums for more news soon!

- Cloakfox
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Server will be 1.11.2, and that sounds like a good plan.
So no 1.8 PVP? got it. Also, can you try to keep this gamemode alive? Survival and Anarchy pretty much failed miserably and I really want a survival based server where people actually play. Like do advertising and shet.
So no 1.8 PVP? got it. Also, can you try to keep this gamemode alive? Survival and Anarchy pretty much failed miserably and I really want a survival based server where people actually play. Like do advertising and shet.
Ish gonna be packed with Dutch kids cuz this Dutch streamer is gonna be on.

Hello everyone!

It has been a while since anything was posted on the announcements but do not worry! I am working hard behind the scenes on loads of new updates. And this is one of them.

Hardcore Survival or /hardcore for short, is a new gamemode that will replace /anarchy on the server navigator (compass) and on the scoreboard in the hubs. Anarchy will not go offline, it will stay online and you will be able to join with /anarchy or /server anarchy. Anarchy is one of those servers that should never go offline or reset. All veteran ranks bought on Anarchy will transfer over to Hardcore Survival.

So what is this Hardcore Survival?
Hardcore survival is a gamemode that is very similair to Anarchy. There are a few key differences though.
A few of them being death bans and the custom world generation on this gamemode.

When joining this gamemode you will start with 2 lives, so when you die twice you get auto banned for 24 hours. Death timer may change later when everybody has settled.
People with veteran ranks have a 75% reduced death ban time, so that results in a 6h ban.

Now the custom world generation, it looks great and gives a custom feel when playing. The chests you can find have been nerfed a bit when comparing to the custom world generation on /fcove.

Why replace this with anarchy?
Biggest reason for that is because having to many gamemodes is not good on a network, players get spread across all the gamemodes to much that way. Also because the sponsorship I have running for this gamemode requires a fresh world/start.

The gamemode will be played by a big twitch streamer every Saturday or Sunday at 1 PM CEST.
( with /hardcore

Main features:
  • Teams
  • Custom world generation
  • Deathbans
  • Anti-xray
  • Barebones survival
Hardcore Survival is releasing tomorrow at 1 PM CEST
You can watch it live tomorrow at 1 PM CEST

New store category:

Thanks for reading, stay active on the forums for more news soon!

- Cloakfox

Wow where the hell is my credit for taking the photo you Dumbo??
[doublepost=1493572447,1493571977][/doublepost]Also. Nothing wrong with Dutch players.
If you get annoyed by Dutch spam, just use /ignore, you could pretty much use it to filter your chat.
You could also just get used to it. The city I live in has one of the highest portion of immigrants and so I meet people of a lot of backgrounds and don't get annoyed by it.
S t o p
C o m p l a i n i n g
A b o u t
D i v e r s i t y

D u m b o s
Wow where the hell is my credit for taking the photo you Dumbo??
[doublepost=1493572447,1493571977][/doublepost]Also. Nothing wrong with Dutch players.
If you get annoyed by Dutch spam, just use /ignore, you could pretty much use it to filter your chat.
You could also just get used to it. The city I live in has one of the highest portion of immigrants and so I meet people of a lot of backgrounds and don't get annoyed by it.
S t o p
C o m p l a i n i n g
A b o u t
D i v e r s i t y

D u m b o s
You have to understand their fustrasion its been a english speaking server for a long time and suddenly its like all dutch, ofc people will be pissed.
You have to understand their fustrasion its been a english speaking server for a long time and suddenly its like all dutch, ofc people will be pissed.
Then get used to it. Don't get all mad cuz others wanna enjoy Fox too.
Fox isn't language specific, no rules against it, you trying to put em off just makes you racists in a way.
Wow where the hell is my credit for taking the photo you Dumbo??
[doublepost=1493572447,1493571977][/doublepost]Also. Nothing wrong with Dutch players.
If you get annoyed by Dutch spam, just use /ignore, you could pretty much use it to filter your chat.
You could also just get used to it. The city I live in has one of the highest portion of immigrants and so I meet people of a lot of backgrounds and don't get annoyed by it.
S t o p
C o m p l a i n i n g
A b o u t
D i v e r s i t y

D u m b o s
I didn't say there was anything wrong, I just said that they'd be everywhere killing people because of a streamer. xD
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